Final Assignment.
The final assignment consists of writing your own program and showing its results. The intention is to use this chance to go through the concepts we have examined in the course. The work should be done individually, or in couples if you believe that this is a better way for you to learn.The program that you will write using Processing should use and demonstrate some of the basic concepts (not necessarily all!) we have looked at during the tutorials, such as:
- Types and variables, such as boolean, int, char, float and also String.
- Control flow: conditional statements ( if(), else() …) , logical operators (( OR “||“, AND “&&“, NOT “!“) and loops, such as the for() loop.
- Scope and the curly brackets “{” and “}”…
- The basic setup in processing, using setup() and draw().
- Functions: how to create your own functions which take 0 or more parameters, and return 0 or 1 values, and the keywords void, and return.
- Arrays: syntax for their declaration and access through the [] operator.
- Classes and objects.
- Self-organisation and form-finding processes.
- Dxf output.
- 3D.
There are two types of outputs you may produce, depending of what you feel you would like to concentrate in: Either an image (pure software), or a physical model, which is the result of a program. This physical model may be produced by any technique you may consider adequate (laser.cutter, 3D printer, normal printing and cutting, measuring… etc) . Depending of your choice you should deliver for Monday the 26th of May, the following material:
- A processing project. This is the folder with all the files (possibly only one) of your processing sketch. Send it it to me by mail as a zip file, with your name in the title of the file. (This is for everyone).
- If you have opted for working with software only, between 1 and 5 images of the results of your program, in a 500×500 pixels image, preferably in png format.
- If you have opted for producing a physical model, between 1 and 5 images of the model, in a 1000×1000 pixel, png format (you may also include images from your software).
The results will be used as part of an online exhibition, using the blog of the course.
You are very welcome to use any library you may also find around, or code snippets (small bits of code) from the Processing community sites. Document your code, for example saying were the code snippets come from, and writing explanations for yourself and others, wherever it is necessary. These programs should not be those that we have used in the tutorials directly, but it is perfectly fine if they are variations based on them.